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Wednesday, January 21, 2015

2015 Book Challenge 3

      Today I read Rapunzel's Revenge. It was a wonderful graphic novel full of adventure, action, and hair. The story is another version of Rapunzel's life. It still has a Mother Gothel and Rapunzel's long hair (it is actually red this time), but it is not a prince that get's her down from her tower (and it's not even a tower at all,  it is a large hole in a tree where she is able to live) it is herself that escapes that sad, lonly place. She does meet a guy along the way (his name is Jack), and they go fight crime together. So it is like Batman and Batgirl except Rapunzel likes to be the leader. (YOU GO GIRL) So they go off together to try to stop Mother Gothel's evil plans. Will they succeed or will they die?! DUN Dun dunnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


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